Email Marketing Tools | The Complete Guide

6 min readSep 16, 2022

mass email services is the heart of a Digital Marketing strategy. It is an excellent tool for any company to relate to the audience in a personalized way.

For a long time, several companies committed abuses in Email Marketing , making the wrong use of the strategy. This has caused email to be left a little aside and “exchanged” by other channels, such as social networks , by many companies.

It turns out that one channel does not exclude the other and, nowadays, with the market more educated about good practices and with a more developed technology, Email Marketing is standing out for having unique and valuable characteristics.

One of them is reach: an email is the simplest and most fundamental thing anyone can have on the internet and people already have the tool fully incorporated into their lives.

Another is that emails are a more direct and in-depth form of contact. In social networks, everyone talks, and the various conversations are lost among each other. Also, if someone is not online at the time of publication, they will hardly come back to read what has already been published before.

Emails are looked at more carefully, usually every day. As much as we all have to deal with some unwanted spam, there is a greater propensity to follow each message, and everything that is important and useful will be opened and read.

What Does an Email Marketing Tool Do?

If your company is starting to do Digital Marketing , you must have encountered some difficulties in sending emails on a large scale or managing an extensive list of contacts. An Email Marketing software is there to remedy that pain.

Some actions you can do with an Email Marketing tool:

Segment your contacts: To have full control of the audience that will receive your emails;
Create efficient layouts: To help you design your emails and create replicable templates;
Automate the firing of your campaigns: To gain productivity and efficiency in sending emails;
Track the performance of shots: To see how many opens and clicks your campaigns had, among other statistics.

The most used Email Marketing tools in Brazil

Many companies also understand that it is useless to generate traffic and not relate to their visitors.

According to the TechTrends survey , which we conducted in partnership with Rock Content, 87% of technology companies use some email marketing tool. Mailchimp and RD Station Marketing were among the top rankings in the survey.

Get to know some of the most used tools for sending emails in Brazil, according to the survey:

RD Station Marketing
Locaweb Email Marketing
ExactTarget — Salesforce
All In Mail
E-goi Email Marketing

Discover RD Station Marketing

RD Station Marketing is the all-in-one platform created by Resultados Digitais for you to automate and manage your Digital Marketing actions, going far beyond Bulk email marketing services.

In the “Email Marketing” functionality you create email campaigns with a drag & drop editor, you have access to different email templates , segmentation possibilities and a complete performance report.

With more than 17 thousand customers in more than 20 countries, RD Station Marketing is the leading Marketing Automation tool in Brazil, according to the B2B Stack .

How to choose an Email Marketing tool: 4 precautions you should take

Every company that already has or intends to include an Email Marketing strategy in its planning has gone (or will go through) the challenge of choosing a software that meets its needs.

The big problem is that there are many different tools with different features on the market and it is quite common to get lost in the midst of so many options.

First of all, the two main questions that the company should ask itself right now are:

  • What is your goal with Email Marketing?
  • What functionality does your company really need to achieve these goals?

Below, we will show you what are the main points that a company should look for when looking for the ideal Email Marketing software.

1. Does the software/company have a good reputation in the market?

The first step is to know the reputation of this Email Marketing software. See which companies use it, look for successful cases and, if possible, talk to someone who uses this tool.

This point is important because it will show if the company has good support, if the tool is easy to use, if the delivery and reporting of campaigns are good, among others.

Not only should the reputation of the company itself be evaluated, but also the reputation of the sending IP address.

Talking to a salesperson from that company, or through some service channel, ask about the reputation of the IP address of this tool and, if possible, check , a service that monitors and evaluates the sending reputation of different IPs.

Read more in the post Deliverability in Email Marketing .

2. How is the integration with Landing Page and CRM services?

We understand that Email Marketing is a very important part of the Inbound Marketing strategy and, as it is a part of the whole, it is very essential that the tool has integration with others that are also fundamental to the Inbound strategy, such as Landing Pages, CRM and Analytics.

There are two main goals of these integrations:

Avoid loss of information and consequent poor segmentation: it is the case, for example, to send product campaigns to those who are already customers and software updates to those who are not yet customers;
Get more intelligence about Leads: know, in addition to which materials this person downloaded, which email campaigns and automation flows participated, engaged, etc.

When we think about sales, this type of information is very important to help approach potential customers.
If your company already uses a CRM or some service for Lead capture pages, it is important to make sure that your Email Marketing software has this integration.

Another option is to use “horizontal” Digital Marketing software, such as RD Station Marketing, which has all these tools (Email Marketing, Landing Pages and CRM ) already integrated with each other and with third parties.

3. Are the lists static or dynamic?

One of the keys to success in Email Marketing is segmentation. The more targeted an email is, the greater the Lead’s interest in the subject and, consequently, the better the direct (open, click) and indirect (response, Landing Page conversion rate) metrics will be.

To segment a base of Leads before sending a campaign, the usual thing is to work with lists, whether they are static lists, where Leads need to be manually added and updated before each sending, or dynamic lists, where the software will This filter is based on various information, such as the position the Lead occupies, the stage of purchase in which it is, the market segment in which it operates, or even its topic of interest.

In addition to this automatic segmentation, the company also saves time by not having to worry about manually updating the lists before each campaign is sent.

4. Does the software have Marketing Automation functions?

When your company evolves in the use of Email Marketing and in the Inbound Marketing strategy, it is natural that you start to feel the need to also do Marketing Automation .

Whether to warm up Leads and increase the number of contacts passed to the Sales area, or to maintain and account for the volume of Leads generated monthly, it is important to assess from the beginning whether the chosen Email Marketing software also has the Automation functionality. , be it simpler, with Autoresponders, or more advanced, with Workflows, for example.

Once again, the use of a tool that has dynamic lists and is integrated with other services used by the marketing area is important, as it will help a lot when starting to work with Marketing Automation, avoiding loss of information and rework, if necessary. migrate from tool.




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